February 24, 2015

Got motivated at a SUCCESS Seminar by MICHAEL J. FOX!

Since 2012-2013 where years of self improvement it would only make since that I attend a seminar or two and it was so great to have met someone who wanted to attend them as much as me! The most inspiring was the SUCCESS Seminar that included such speakers as Les Brown and Michael J Fox! MJ Fox spoke of his struggles with his disease but that he made it more of mental game to stay focused and not let it bet him. He laughed and poked fun at himself but also had some very vulnerable moments on stage. Les Brown used his famous "You gotta be HUNGRY" line and really put into perspective the importance of having big goals and never giving up! After the SUCCESS Seminar we found ourselves out and about in Orlando so we decided to do the sling shot that shoots two passengers 400 feet in the air! The view was incredible and the rush was awesome, I highly recommend it. We then road go carts, played mini golf and made our way to Ice Bar. Ice Bar is a bar that is completely made of ice, including chairs, the bar and even the glasses! Lots of fun and I think this event set the tone for the year to come!

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