April 7, 2015



Hey what's up? So I just had this young kid, college kid, he was 19 and a student at Duke. Every year they do this tenting event and during this tenting event the students have to be there for certain check ins and stuff. It takes place over a month or weeks or whatever it is but they have to camp. The prize they get at the end is the ability, well a ticket. They get a ticket to the Duke and UNC basketball game. Which is a big deal, rival schools, yada yada yada. One of the things that came up during conversation is a new idea or principle that I base my life upon and it's a question. The question is "Is the effort worth the reward or is the reward worth the effort?" However you want to word it but the long and short is that in everything you do, if you just apply that principle and ask yourself that question you will start doing more meaningful things. 

So I asked that guy, at the end of the day do you feel like the effort, however many hours you spent camping, wether it was cold rainy, you know whatever you had to endure, was all of that worth getting  that ticket. He said he doesn't know yet because he's never been to the game. I know that and it brings me to my second point and that's reflection. So anytime you're doing something that you think in the beginning was the best idea, you were super excited, it's very easy to get distracted once you get started and hit a few roadblocks, and you start to see that the results may not be what you thought it would be, it's real easy to stop. Reflection, reflection upon the situation, yourself, whatever it will be, that self reflection can offer you the insight and get you over the hump and let you decided wether or not the reward really is worth the effort. 

So this brings me to another point, which my third point would be, persistence. Anytime that we set out to do something, things happen, you know. I'm starting this new Youtube Channel, my Kindle Direct Publishing and I still have a life. I have a kid, I have a daughter who's getting big, but you know a lot of my time is spent with her. When I spend time with her, I spend TIME with her. I put everything else on hold and me and her just do whatever it is she wants to do within reason. So it's real easy to get distracted from the big picture. I know stuff comes up so that's why this factor of not giving up. I have a friend who recently was studying real hard for a test and he took the test today. It didn't go so well, he didn't see the results he was hoping to see. So he has to go back to studying and while he didn't think he was going to fail this test, stuff happens. He could easily just give up and be like... This is only his third test he's had to do or maybe his fourth but he still has more afterwords. So it would be real easy to just say, "You know what, I don't know if I can do this. I think I'm going to quit." But this individual I know for a fact will persevere and good props to you brother. Persistence is key! You know in the end once this person has put in the 100's of hours of time into studying and all of the effort into getting the certifications that he's trying get, eventually the reward will be worth the effort but you have to know where you want to know. That comes back to goal setting. 

Million different key factors could go into this concept and that is why I wrote a book called Getting Results. You can check that book out on Amazon. You can just type in my name, Drew Eubanks and that'll pull up my author page. I've got about 10 different books on there as of right now. Which I wrote one and one doesn't cut it in this kind of business. One book is not going to get you a lot of money and then I wrote my second and then a third one and I wasn't seeing the results I thought I was going to get. In the end I realized it doesn't take 1 or 2 or 3 or even 4 E-books to make a ton of money. It takes multiples 20, 30, 40, 50, I know people who have 200 books and they are making the type of income that I'm hoping to make, but right now I've put in a lot of hours, like a LOT of hours trying to get these first few books, written then formatted and so on and so forth. 

Learning how to promote and learning how to get reviews. And also too while I'm doing that I'm learning different systems, different groups, learning Amazon, keyword niches. There's a lot that goes into it and it would be real easy for me to be like, You know what, I gave it a try, I've been doing it for a month and I've made like, I don't even know perhaps $60-$70 so far. I haven't really spent much and you know what, I'm not giving up. I just started a new promotion for all of my books. I have seven books on promotion, I'm seeing great results. 385 free downloads yesterday, so far today 384, I just checked it and I'm pretty sure I'll get over the 400 mark and you know that's a new benchmark for me. I hadn't broke the 400 in a day, I hadn't broke the 300 in a day plateau till yesterday. So you know two back to back 300 days. Today will be 400 and I hope tomorrow is another 400 day. 

You know the key is don't give up. Ask yourself is the reward worth the effort. If the reward is worth the effort then proceed. If for some reason things get tough and you feel like the reward isn't worth the effort then take a few minutes, maybe even a day depending on the decision and just give yourself some reflection and thing about what you really want in life and decide wether or not the path you've chosen is for you and you may decide that it's not. It's okay to move on and move toward different things. Learn from it, grow, and you will be a stronger person. If you decide that it is for you then persevere and you will succeed. I've seen a million of those pictures where the miners are chipping away at the rock and then he leaves. The next miner comes and  he hits it one time and there's gold. You never know where you're going to find gold, so don't give up. A little bit of keys to success from an Uber car. You guys have a good night.

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